Highest Value; FREEDOM


I wore so many hats that my head exploded

and I spend my Sundays cleaning pieces of my brain,

fragments of thought spewed out onto my clothes,


changing fashions,

I am a transformative shape shifter,

molded by my fleeting passions


Let’s step back and see

that I am not only the markers of chosen identity,

but am a neutral chameleon, a lion, mounted on Zion,

praising the nature to create

to change

to be anything and everything.


My highest value is in freedom

freedom to change

freedom to create

freedom to destroy

and be anything i want

and everything i can imagine.


don’t call me a poet, a writer, a teacher,

i gag.

i am queasy with words and labels

i could be an artist

but i am not


i am a malleable expression.

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